Call for Papers for theSixth International Conference onBiolinguistics(2022)
We are pleased to announce the6th InternationalConference on Biolinguistics tobe heldin Wuhan, China from Dec. 10 to Dec.11, 2022.This conference is jointly organized by the international journal ofCognitive Linguistics Studies and Wuhan University, and hosted by the School of Foreign Languages and Literature, Wuhan University.
The theme of this conference is:Biological Features of Language & Formation and Evolution of Language.The Conference will approach the main issues of biolinguistics and someotherrelatedquestions. Abstracts of up to500 English/Chinese words are invited to be submitted to ( by the 30th Nov. 2022.Full-textArticles should be written in English (about 10,000 English words). And we will select some of them to publish inthe international journalCognitive Linguistic Studies.
The main topics of the conference are as follows (included but not limited to):
1.Biolinguistics: theoretical and methodological issues
2. Biolinguistics and brain science
3. Biolinguistics and language evolution
4.Biolinguistics andlanguage processing
5. Biolinguistics and language acquisition
6.Biolinguistics and neurolinguistics
7. Biolinguistics and cognitivelinguistics
8. Biolinguistics and animal linguistics
9. Other issues of biolinguistics
The Sixth International Conference on Biolinguistics(2022)
生物语言学从生物学角度研究人类语言,对揭示语言的本质属性、解释语言形成、演化以及语言习得、使用的神经生物机制具有重要意义。近年来,国际学术期刊Cognitive Linguistic Studies和Biolinguistics不断推动生物语言学研究及学术交流,自2016年以来,先后在西南大学、清华大学、上海理工大学、电子科技大学、北京理工大学连续召开五届学术研讨会。为推动本领域国内外学者深入交流,促进生物语言学的进一步发展,决定第六届生物语言学国际研讨会在tyc234cc 太阳成集团tyc234cc 太阳成集团召开。届时国内外著名专家学者将做大会主旨发言。大会特别欢迎原创性的研究论文。论文将由会议学术委员会进行评审,凡被采纳者,组委会将发出正式会议邀请函。
1. 生物语言学—理论与研究方法
2. 生物语言学与脑科学研究
3. 生物语言学与演化语言学研究
4. 生物语言学与生成语法研究
5. 生物语言学与语言习得研究
6. 生物语言学与认知语言学研究
7. 生物语言学与神经语言学研究
8. 生物语言学与动物行为(语言)学研究
9. 生物语言学其他相关议题研究
会议时间:2022年 12月10日-11日
会议地点:线上会议(承办单位:tyc234cc 太阳成集团tyc234cc 太阳成集团)
联系人:姜大雨联系电话: 13780586328
主办单位:国际学术期刊Cognitive Linguistic Studies、Biolinguistics编辑部
承办单位:tyc234cc 太阳成集团tyc234cc 太阳成集团